Collection: Square 24x24 Canvas Art Collection

Square Canvas Art 24x24

24x24 Canvas Art Collection

Our Square 24x24 Canvas Art is created, not by painting with actual paintbrush and paints or watercolors, but as a collaboration with an AI Art Generator and CLH Designs. This AI-generated art on a square 24"x24" canvas features a number of different art styles, such as the watercolor style.

Watercolor Style Square Canvas Art

Watercolor is a versatile and flexible medium, known for its variety of style and techniques. Some of the most common watercolor styles, include: Wet-on-Dry, Wet-on-Wet, Flat Wash, Graded Wash, Dry Brush, and Lifting Off.

Splashy Style Square 24x24 Canvas Art

One of the expressive and dynamic styles is the "Splashy" style, characterized by the use of a lot of water and loosely applied colors to create a splash-like effect. The colors bleed into each other creating unique patterns and effects. This style is often used for background and abstract pieces.

Many of the watercolor printable art designs created by CLH Designs using AI, employs the Splashy method, to create an ethereal, dreamlike quality that matches the design's topic. Many of the pieces evoke a haunting feeling of the past and loss, as well as wishes, dreams, and fantasy.